Pain relief comes in many forms. People often turn to opioids and naturally growing herbs because they are suffering from physical pain which they are trying to alleviate. While the consequences of opioids and painkillers are often addiction and dependence with life threatening effects, marijuana and kratom provide different forms of relief with potentially far less dangerous costs. This article will compare kratom and marijuana, highlighting the differences both positive and negative, as well as in comparison with harder drugs.
The human body experiences two distinctive types of pain which tend to respond differently to different drugs.
Nociceptive pain is caused by damage to body tissue and may be triggered by inflammation, chemicals or physical events in which the sensory system responds to potentially harmful stimuli. Examples range from a broken nose to smashing your funny bone into a piece of furniture. The pain is often described as sharp, aching or throbbing. The tissue damage sends these pain signals through the spinal cord, to the brain, in order to initiate the healing process.
Neuropathic pain is a result of problems with nerve signals. It results from damage to the peripheral or central nervous system, unlike the normal stimulation of pain receptors. Often the effect of an illness or infection, neuropathic pain may be different for various people. It could last throughout the day and is described as a variety of sensations such as stabbing, prickling or burning.
Marijuana is known for treating neuropathic pain more effectively, while kratom is considered the go to pain relief for nociceptive pain. So if, for example, somebody broke their arm and is suffering from pain, kratom would be the way to go, while if somebody is suffering from a condition like cancer, marijuana would be recommended.
A big reason for avoiding hard drugs like heroin as well as many prescription medication that are opiates, is that they can be very addictive. So much to the extent that stopping them could be extremely unpleasant due to intense withdrawal symptoms that in some cases could even be life threatening. Marijuana is not known to have any physically addictive properties. This makes it a very attractive choice, especially for those suffering from conditions which marijuana relieves most effectively.
Kratom is known to have some degree of addiction and withdrawal effects, although nowhere near the amount for heroin and morphine addictions. In addition the effects are not uniform but everybody experiences it differently. When weighing the costs and benefits of taking kratom vs marijuana, one should certainly take the risks of addiction into account. However as kratom can deliver benefits that marijuana cannot and compared to harder drugs, kratom is considered vastly safer—the cost side of the ledger seems largely mitigated.
Both herbs come in different forms. Marijuana come from Cannabis which can be turned into hemp or marijuana. Delta 9 THC is the psychoactive property in marijuana and is often used for the purpose of getting high. It is typically sold in the form of leaf which is then rolled into a joint and smoked. Cannabidiol, an active compound in Cannabis, is contained in high levels in hemp and other products such as oils and creams which can interact with the endocannabinoid system to provide therapeutic relief from various pains including arthritis. There are many different strains of marijuana but they are divided into three main categories: Sativa, Indica and Hybrid. Sativa is known for its energetic effects while Indica is known to be sedative. Hybrid lies somewhere in between. Some common strains include:
Kratom originates in southeast Asia and contains mitragynine, 7-Hydroxymitragynine and a whole bunch of other alkaloid compounds which are still being researched. Kratom can be purchased in powder, extract, capsules and pills. Kratom is categorized by its three vein colors: red vein, green vein and white vein. Each color has a different concentration level alkaloids. Red vein is generally considered to be effective for relaxation and calmness. White vein is known to provide clarity and focus. Green vein is in between the two. Some popular kratom strains include:
The active ingredient of kratom, mitragynine, does not have to be heated to take effect. As a result, people often will mix it with some sort of food or drink or take it as a capsule and it will take effect upon swallowing. Marijuana is usually smoked, while Cannabidiol substances such as oil is commonly placed under the tongue for about a minute and then swallowed.
The final takeaway is that both of these herbs should be preferable because they are likely much safer than taking hard drugs and prescription medication. Which of the two depends on what kind of pain one is suffering from, as well as consideration for possibility of addiction. With these in mind, people can make an educated decision about enjoying those natural herbs which delivers relaxation and relief from many of the aches and pains we sometimes experience in life—and safer than many other substances which may do the same for a higher cost.