How long does it take to deliver to boston Kratom?
We understand how annoying it is to wait for an order to arrive so we want you to have an accurate estimate as for when you can expect to receive an order from us. We calculated how long it takes to be delivered to Boston from our office assuming your order was placed from Monday to Friday. We ensure that we always carry kratom that meets our quality standard and to ship out orders quickly (cutoff time is 3PM Monday to Thursday and Friday 12PM Eastern Time). Below are the times it takes to arrive at your home, office or P.O Box in Boston MA based on the different shipping options we offer:
Priority Mail Express – 1 Day (Delivers on weekends)
Priority Mail – 2 Days (Delivers on weekends)
First Class Mail – 2-3 Days (Only delivers on business days and only applicable to orders with a weight of 400g or less)